Free delivery within Poland on purchases of PLN 999 or more.
The cost of shipping goods to EU countries is calculated according to the postal operator's trifecta.
The JANSEN large appliances are an exception.
Depending on the quantity and weight of the products you order, the payment method you choose and your own preferences, you can select one of the delivery methods:
- Courier company (DPD, DHL, GEIS, Pocztex, RABEN)
- Courier delivery to EU countries (except Poland) (DPD, DHL, GEIS, Pocztex, RABEN)
- Pick up at the store (Kacice 86, 06-100, Pułtusk, Polska)
Fastest and safest:
Courier company - delivery is made by professional courier company DPD, DHL,RABEN,GEIS, Pocztex. Choosing a courier means convenience, safety and confidence that your order will arrive on time at an affordable price. All courier shipments are insured against loss or damage in transit. In addition, you will receive an email with a link to a page where you can check where your shipment is.

DPD postal operator's delivery tariffs for deliveries within Poland
Waga w kg
Cena podstawowa* PLN
do 2,0 kg
powyżej 2,0 do 5,0 kg
Dopłaty do ceny podstawowej*
powyżej 5,0 do 10,0 kg
+ 3,70
powyżej 10,0 do 15,0 kg
+ 7,40
powyżej 15,0 do 20,0 kg
+ 10,60 |
powyżej 20,0 do 25,0 kg
+ 14,00
powyżej 25,0 do 31,5 kg
+ 17,20
Paczki** / Palety***
Dopłaty do ceny podstawowej*
powyżej 31,5 do 40,0 kg
+ 28,90
powyżej 40,0 do 50,0 kg
+ 39,60
powyżej 50,0 do 100,0 kg |
+ 107,70 |
powyżej 100,0 do 200,0 kg
+ 120,70
powyżej 200,0 do 300,0 kg
+ 140,70 |
powyżej 300,0 do 500,0 kg
+ 160,70
powyżej 500,0 do 700,0 kg
+ 200,70
Personal collection is the easiest way to receive ordered goods.
- We invite you to our headquarters at the address: 86 Kacice Street, Pultusk 06-100 Poland, TEL- +48-780-140-444
Working hours:
Weekdays 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00-14:00
Sunday: closed
When collecting the goods in person you do not pay additional costs.